Reference S3 Files with Liquibase Commands

Note: Using Liquibase Pro with S3 is available in Liquibase Pro v4.17.0 and later.

Correct configuration of paths to locate files is vital to using Liquibase files stored in S3. The following tables provide high-level guidance to read or write remote Liquibase files.

Note: An output of log files to S3 is not yet available.


Use Absolute Paths with Remote Files in AWS S3

File(s) Commands Absolute Path Search-Path and Relative Path Search-Path Only Example
Generating a changelog (see below for calling a changelog in a command) -- -- Relative changelog path required to preserve DBCL integrity.
flowfile (such as liquibase flowfile.yaml) flow -- --
liquibase flow --flow-file=s3://mybucket/liquibase.flowfile.yaml
  • If the flow file references changelogs, the search-path must be configured. Within the flow file, the path to the changelog should be relative to the search-path.
  • If the flow file references a checks settings file, provide an absolute path in the flow file.
  • If a flow file calls the flow command internally, provide an absolute path to the referenced flow file.
Checks settings file (such as liquibase.checks-settings.conf) checks (all subcommands) -- --
liquibase checks run --checks-settings-file=s3://mybucket/liquibase.checks-settings.conf
Defaults file (such as All -- --
liquibase --defaults-file=s3://mybucket/defaults/ history
init project files
  • changelog
  • flow file
init project -- --
liquibase init project --project-dir=s3://mybucket//init --project-guide=off --changelog-file=example-changelog.postgres.sql

The changelog-file attribute cannot be relative when passed to init project in the --changelog-file parameter. This is the only use case where changelog-file is not relative.

output-files All commands which support the --output-file property. -- --
liquibase --output-file=s3://mybucket/snapshots/mysnap.json snapshot All that support the driver-properties property. -- --
liquibase --search-path=s3://myS3Bucket/properties/drivers update
snapshot.json -- --
liquibase --output-file=s3://mybucket/snapshots/mysnap.json snapshot

Use Relative + Searchpath for changelogs in AWS S3

File(s) Commands Absolute Path Search-Path and Relative Path Search-Path Only Example
Using a changelog (changelog file/resources)   --
liquibase --search-path=s3://mybucket update --changelog-file=changelogs/changelog.xml

A relative changelog path is required to preserve the Liquibase tracking table integrity.

Use searchpath with remote files in AWS S3

File(s) Commands Absolute Path Search-Path and Relative Path Search-Path Only Example
Snapshots (such as mysnapshot.json)    
liquibase --search-path=s3://mybucket/mysnapshots diff --reference-url=offline:postgres?snapshot=mysnapshot.json
Native executor config files (such as liquibase.sqlplus.conf, liquibase.sqlcmd.conf, liquibase.psql.conf)    
liquibase --search-path=s3://mybucket/configs update

There is no property to directly specify a native executor configuration file path. It is located using the searchpath property.

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Learn more about Flow in Liquibase Pro

Learn how to use Flow files with s3