
updateGlobalSecondaryIndex is a Change Type in the Liquibase DynamoDB Pro extension that updates an existing global secondary index on a table. For more information, see Using Global Secondary Indexes in DynamoDB.


A secondary index lets you query the data in the table using an alternate key, in addition to queries against the primary key. A global secondary index is an index with a partition key and sort key that can be different from those on the table. It is different from a local secondary index, which is an index with the same partition key as the table, but a different sort key. For more information, see Core components of Amazon DynamoDB.

Run updateGlobalSecondaryIndex

To run this Change Type, follow these steps:

  1. Add the Change Type to your changeset, as shown in the examples on this page.
  2. Specify any required attributes. Use the table on this page to see which ones your database requires.
  3. Deploy your changeset by running the update command:
  4. liquibase update

Now, Liquibase deploys your change on your DynamoDB database. By default, read operations on DynamoDB are eventually consistent. When you look at your database immediately after running liquibase update, DynamoDB may display the status of an object as CREATING, UPDATING, or DELETING. When it finishes, it displays the status as ACTIVE.

Note: If your deployment fails because the DynamoDB waiter times out or reaches a retry limit, you can modify the waiter settings using Liquibase Parameters for Amazon DynamoDB Pro.

Available attributes

For more information, see DynamoDB API: UpdateTable and DynamoDB API UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction.

Tip: You must specify all top-level attributes marked as required. If you specify an optional attribute, you must also specify any nested attributes that it requires.

Name Type Description Requirement
tableName String

Name of the table for which to update the index

indexName String

Name of the index to create




  • If you set billingMode to PROVISIONED, or if you do not explicitly set billingMode, then provisionedThroughput is required.
  • If you set billingMode to PAY_PER_REQUEST, you cannot specify provisionedThroughput.

Specifies the provisioned throughput settings for the table. You can modify these settings using the updateDynamoTable and updateTableProvisionedThroughput Change Types.

Note: If you originally set billingMode to PROVISIONED and want to change it to PAY_PER_REQUEST, you must do this with updateDynamoTable. You cannot use updateTableProvisionedThroughput because it only accepts the PROVISIONED billing mode.

provisionedThroughput has the following nested attributes:

  • readCapacityUnits (integer) (required): the maximum number of reads per second before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException. Minimum valid value: 1.
  • writeCapacityUnits (integer) (required): the maximum number of writes per second before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException. Minimum valid value: 1.

If you set billingMode to PAY_PER_REQUEST, Liquibase sets the values of readCapacityUnits and writeCapacityUnits to 0.

For more information, see Read/write capacity mode and Managing settings on DynamoDB provisioned capacity tables.

Note: When you specify provisionedThroughput at the top level, it applies to the table. When you specify provisionedThroughput within globalSecondaryIndex, it applies to the index.


  - changeSet:
      id: 2
      author: your.name
        - updateGlobalSecondaryIndex:
            tableName: updateGlobalIndexTestYaml
            indexName: globalIndexYaml
              readCapacityUnits: 15
              writeCapacityUnits: 15
        - updateGlobalSecondaryIndex:
            tableName: updateGlobalIndexTestYaml
            indexName: globalIndexYaml
              readCapacityUnits: 10
              writeCapacityUnits: 10
  "databaseChangeLog": [
      "changeSet": {
        "id": "2",
        "author": "your.name",
        "changes": [
            "updateGlobalSecondaryIndex": {
              "tableName": "updateGlobalIndexTestJson",
              "indexName": "globalIndexJson",
              "provisionedThroughput": {
                "readCapacityUnits": 15,
                "writeCapacityUnits": 15
        "rollback": [
            "updateGlobalSecondaryIndex": {
              "tableName": "updateGlobalIndexTestJson",
              "indexName": "globalIndexJson",
              "provisionedThroughput": {
                "readCapacityUnits": 10,
                "writeCapacityUnits": 10
    <changeSet id="2" author="your.name">
        <dynamodb-pro:updateGlobalSecondaryIndex tableName="updateGlobalIndexTest" indexName="globalIndex">
            <dynamodb-pro:provisionedThroughput readCapacityUnits="15" writeCapacityUnits="15"/>

            <dynamodb-pro:updateGlobalSecondaryIndex tableName="updateGlobalIndexTest" indexName="globalIndex">
                <dynamodb-pro:provisionedThroughput readCapacityUnits="10" writeCapacityUnits="10"/>


Database support

This Change Type is only supported for Amazon DynamoDB. It does not support auto rollback.