
Alters properties of an existing sequence.

Run alterSequence

To run this Change Type, follow these steps:

  1. Add the Change Type to your changeset, as shown in the examples on this page.
  2. Specify any required attributes. Use the table on this page to see which ones your database requires.
  3. Deploy your changeset by running the update command:
  4. liquibase update

Available attributes

Name Description Required for Supports

Number of values to fetch per query

asany, db2, db2z, derby, h2, hsqldb, informix, ingres, mariadb, mssql, mysql, oracle, postgresql, sqlite, sybase

Name of the catalog

asany, db2, db2z, derby, h2, hsqldb, informix, ingres, mariadb, mssql, mysql, oracle, postgresql, sqlite, sybase

Boolean. Can the sequence cycle when it hits the max value?

asany, db2, db2z, derby, h2, hsqldb, informix, ingres, mariadb, mssql, mysql, oracle, postgresql, sqlite, sybase

Data type of the sequence

asany, derby, informix, postgresql

Integer amount to increment by at each call

asany, db2, db2z, derby, informix, mssql, oracle, postgresql

Sets the maximum value of the sequence

asany, db2, db2z, derby, h2, informix, mssql, oracle, postgresql

Sets the minimum value of the sequence

asany, db2, db2z, derby, h2, hsqldb, informix, ingres, mariadb, mssql, mysql, oracle, postgresql, sqlite, sybase

Boolean. Does the sequence need to be guaranteed to be generated in the order of request?

asany, db2z, derby, h2, informix, oracle, postgresql

Name of the schema

asany, db2, db2z, derby, h2, hsqldb, informix, ingres, mariadb, mssql, mysql, oracle, postgresql, sqlite, sybase

Name of the sequence

all all


--liquibase formatted sql

--changeset liquibase-docs:alterSequence-example
ALTER  SEQUENCE  [public].seq_id  AS  int  INCREMENT  BY  371717  MINVALUE  371717  MAXVALUE  371717  ORDER;

Database support

Database Notes Auto Rollback
DB2/LUW Supported No
DB2/z Supported No
Derby Supported No
Firebird Supported No
Google BigQuery Supported No
H2 Supported No
HyperSQL Supported No
INGRES Not Supported No
Informix Supported No
MariaDB Not Supported No
MySQL Not Supported No
Oracle Supported No
PostgreSQL Supported No
Snowflake Supported No
SQL Server Supported No
SQLite Not Supported No
Sybase Not Supported No
Sybase Anywhere Supported No