The stop
Change Type stops Liquibase execution with a message. Mainly useful for debugging and stepping through a changelog.
Run stop
To run this Change Type, follow these steps:
- Add the Change Type to your changeset, as shown in the examples on this page.
- Specify any required attributes. Use the table on this page to see which ones your database requires.
- Deploy your changeset by running the
liquibase update
Available attributes
Name | Description | Required for | Supports |
Message to send to output |
all |
YAML example
- changeSet:
id: stop-example
author: liquibase-docs
- stop:
message: What just happened???
Database support
Database | Notes | Auto Rollback |
DB2/LUW | Supported | No |
DB2/z | Supported | No |
Derby | Supported | No |
Firebird | Supported | No |
Google BigQuery | Supported | No |
H2 | Supported | No |
HyperSQL | Supported | No |
INGRES | Supported | No |
Informix | Supported | No |
MariaDB | Supported | No |
MySQL | Supported | No |
Oracle | Supported | No |
PostgreSQL | Supported | No |
Snowflake | Supported | No |
SQL Server | Supported | No |
SQLite | Supported | No |
Sybase | Supported | No |
Sybase Anywhere | Supported | No |