Liquibase Change Types for Databricks

You can use the following Change Types in the Liquibase extension for Databricks.

For more information about Databricks features, see Using Liquibase with Databricks Platforms. For a getting started tutorial, see Using Liquibase with Databricks SQL.

List of Change Types

Databricks-specific Change Types available with the Liquibase Open Source Databricks extension and Liquibase Pro Databricks extension:

Databricks-specific Change Types that require the Liquibase Pro Databricks extension:

Liquibase Open Source Change Types that accept Databricks-specific attributes or sub-tags:

  • createTable: create a table 
    • Databricks sub-tag: extendedTableProperties: specify additional properties on a table, including clusters and partitions
  • createView: create a view on a Databricks table
    • Databricks attribute: tblProperties: similar to extendedTableProperties, but for a view

You can also use most other generic Liquibase Change Types with Databricks. For more information about the Liquibase features supported by Databricks, see Using Liquibase with Databricks Platforms.