Simplified icon of a gear connected by lines to three cubes on the left and right, representing data

Change Tracking Commands

The purpose of the change tracking commands is to view the status of changes deployed to a database. These commands do not modify the database.

Change Tracking Category

  • history: use this to list all deployed changesets to a database.
  • status: use this to list all undeployed changesets to a database.
  • unexpected-changesets: use this to state the number of changesets that were run in the database but do not exist in the current changelog.

Additional Commands for Liquibase Pro

These commands require an active Liquibase Pro license:

Each individual change tracking command page specifies the criteria for using the command successfully, including a list of required and optional command-specific arguments.

Change Tracking Command Requirements

All change tracking commands require the following command argument:

  • The JDBC database connection URL is specified as --url.

The status and unexpected-changeset commands also require the following command argument:

  • The root changelog file is specified as --changelog-file.

Your database may also require the --username and --password arguments in Liquibase. However, the username and password are not required for connections and systems which use alternate means of authentication.


If Liquibase returns an error when you run a change tracking command, use the Liquibase --help parameter to check the correct syntax of the command and the command-specific parameters you can use with it.

For example, in the CLI:

liquibase <command> --help

Related Content

  • Use the --verbose command attribute with the status command to list the undeployed changesets that includes the path to the changeset, author, and changeset ID.
  • Visit the Using JDBC URL in Liquibase documentation page to learn more about Liquibase database connection requirements.

Liquibase Resources

Liquibase Help

Visit the Liquibase Forum channel to ask questions, find answers from other Liquibase users, and learn about new Liquibase version releases.


Visit the Liquibase Developer Workflow documentation page to see how the status command can be used to identify changes that will be applied before running the update command.