lets you run a series of commands contained in one or more stages, as configured in a Liquibase flow file. This command is available in Liquibase 4.15.0 and later.
Liquibase flow files let you create portable, platform-independent Liquibase workflows that can run anywhere without modification. This includes Jenkins, GitHub actions, a developers desktop, or any other CI/CD support tool.
You can use the flow
command to run your flow file and execute many other commands all in one place. For more information, see Liquibase Flow Files.
Before running the flow
command, ensure that your flow file is in the directory you want it. Then navigate to that directory in your command line.
To run the flow
command, specify the driver, classpath, and URL in Liquibase properties file. For more information, see Create and Configure a liquibase.properties File. You can also specify these properties in your command line.
Then run the flow
liquibase flow
Global parameters
Attribute | Definition | Requirement |
Your Liquibase Pro license key |
Required |
Command parameters
Attribute | Definition | Requirement |
The path to the configuration YAML file which
contains one or more "stages" of commands to be
executed in a |
Optional |
If true, parse flow file YAML to allow only Liquibase flow file-specific properties, indentations, and
Default: |
Optional |
The default interpreter used to execute shell
commands. Examples include |
Optional |
If true, do not delete temporary files created by the shell
command execution.
Default: |
Optional |
Global parameters
Attribute | Definition | Requirement |
Your Liquibase Pro license key |
Required |
Command parameters
Attribute | Definition | Requirement |
The path to the configuration YAML file which
contains one or more "stages" of commands to be
executed in a |
Optional |
If true, parse flow file YAML to allow only Liquibase flow file-specific properties, indentations, and
Default: |
Optional |
The default interpreter used to execute shell
commands. Examples include |
Optional |
If true, do not delete temporary files created by the shell
command execution.
Default: |
Optional |
Global parameters
Attribute | Definition | Requirement |
Your Liquibase Pro license key |
Required |
Command parameters
Attribute | Definition | Requirement |
The path to the configuration YAML file which
contains one or more "stages" of commands to be
executed in a |
Optional |
If true, parse flow file YAML to allow only Liquibase flow file-specific properties, indentations, and
Default: |
Optional |
The default interpreter used to execute shell
commands. Examples include |
Optional |
If true, do not delete temporary files created by the shell
command execution.
Default: |
Optional |
Global parameters
Attribute | Definition | Requirement |
Your Liquibase Pro license key |
Required |
Command parameters
Attribute | Definition | Requirement |
The path to the configuration YAML file which
contains one or more "stages" of commands to be
executed in a |
Optional |
If true, parse flow file YAML to allow only Liquibase flow file-specific properties, indentations, and
Default: |
Optional |
The default interpreter used to execute shell
commands. Examples include |
Optional |
If true, do not delete temporary files created by the shell
command execution.
Default: |
Optional |
Global parameters
Attribute | Definition | Requirement |
Your Liquibase Pro license key |
Required |
Command parameters
Attribute | Definition | Requirement |
The path to the configuration YAML file which
contains one or more "stages" of commands to be
executed in a |
Optional |
If true, parse flow file YAML to allow only Liquibase flow file-specific properties, indentations, and
Default: |
Optional |
The default interpreter used to execute shell
commands. Examples include |
Optional |
If true, do not delete temporary files created by the shell
command execution.
Default: |
Optional |
In this example, we are running the default flow file that comes pre-installed with Liquibase.

########## LIQUIBASE FLOWFILE ##########
########## learn more http://docs.liquibase.com/flow ##########
## Note: Any command which fails in any stage below result in the command stopping, and endStage being run.
## A flow file can have one or more stages, each with multiple "actions",
## or your flow file can have multiple stages with fewer actions in each stage.
## The first stage of actions.
# Policy Checks for changelog
- type: liquibase
command: checks run
cmdArgs: {checks-scope: changelog}
# Run the update
- type: liquibase
command: update
# Policy Checks for database
- type: liquibase
command: checks run
cmdArgs: {checks-scope: database}
## The endStage ALWAYS RUNS.
## So put actions here which you desire to perform whether previous stages' actions succeed or fail.
## If you do not want any actions to ALWAYS RUN, simply delete the endStage from your flow file.
- type: liquibase
command: history

Flow file liquibase.flowfile.yaml is valid.
* Executing Stage: Default
* Executing 'liquibase' checks run
Executing Policy Checks against example-changelog.xml
Executing all changelog checks because a valid license key was found!
WARNING: No database checks were run. Make sure the checks-scope property includes "database" to run database checks. In the CLI set --checks-scope="changelog,database" or set an environment variable LIQUIBASE_COMMAND_CHECKS_SCOPE=database. Learn more at https://docs.liquibase.com/policy-checks
INFO: Checks executed against SQL generated by H2 at jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9090/mem:dev.
Checks-settings File: liquibase.checks-settings.conf
Changesets Validated: in example-changelog.xml
ID: 1; Author: your.name
ID: 2; Author: your.name
ID: 3; Author: other.dev
Checks run against each changeset:
Changesets Must Have a Comment Assigned (Short names: ChangesetCommentCheck)
Changesets Must Have a Context Assigned (Short names: ChangesetContextCheck)
Changesets Must Have a Label Assigned (Short names: ChangesetLabelCheck)
Check Table Column Count (Short names: TableColumnLimit)
One Change Per Changeset (Short names: OneChangePerChangeset)
Require primary key when creating table (Short names: PrimaryKeyOnCreateTable)
Rollback Required for Changeset (Short names: RollbackRequired)
Warn on Detection of 'SELECT *' (Short names: SqlSelectStarWarn)
Warn on Detection of 'USE DATABASE' statements (Short names: WarnOnUseDatabase)
Warn on Use of User Defined ChangeTypes (Short names: DetectChangeType)
Warn when 'DROP COLUMN' detected (Short names: ChangeDropColumnWarn)
Warn when 'DROP TABLE' detected (Short names: ChangeDropTableWarn)
Warn when 'MODIFY <column>' detected (Short names: ModifyDataTypeWarn)
Changelogs Checks Skipped Due to unsupported changeset type for this check:
Warn on Detection of 'GRANT' Statements (Short names: SqlGrantWarn) skipped for:
Warn on Detection of 'REVOKE' Statements (Short names: SqlRevokeWarn) skipped for:
Warn on Detection of grant that contains 'WITH ADMIN OPTION' (Short names: SqlGrantAdminWarn) skipped for:
Warn on Detection of grant that contains 'WITH GRANT OPTION' (Short names: SqlGrantOptionWarn) skipped for:
Warn when 'TRUNCATE TABLE' detected (Short names: ChangeTruncateTableWarn) skipped for:
INFO: Customize this output with the 'checks-output' property. See list of options with 'liquibase checks run --help' or https://docs.liquibase.com/policy-checks
INFO: The return code of all SQL Parser failures can be customized by setting the --sql-parser-fail-severity/LIQUIBASE_COMMAND_CHECKS_RUN_SQL_PARSER_FAIL_SEVERITY property, including setting it to '0' to prevent job interruptions. Learn more at https://docs.liquibase.com/policy-checks
Liquibase command 'checks run' was executed successfully.
* Executing 'liquibase' update
Running Changeset: example-changelog.xml::1::your.name
Running Changeset: example-changelog.xml::2::your.name
Running Changeset: example-changelog.xml::3::other.dev
Run: 3
Previously run: 0
Filtered out: 0
Failed deployment: 0
Total change sets: 3
Liquibase: Update has been successful. Rows affected: 3
Liquibase command 'update' was executed successfully.
* Executing 'liquibase' checks run
Executing Policy Checks against database jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9090/mem:dev
Executing all database checks because a valid license key was found!
INFO This command might not yet capture Liquibase Pro additional object types on h2
Checks-settings File: liquibase.checks-settings.conf
Database objects Validated:
Catalog : 1
Column : 11
Index : 2
PrimaryKey : 2
Schema : 1
Table : 2
To increase details set the --verbose property
Checks run against database jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9090/mem:dev:
Check Table Column Count (Short names: TableColumnLimit)
Table must have an index (Short names: CheckTablesForIndex)
INFO: Customize this output with the 'checks-output' property. See list of options with 'liquibase checks run --help' or https://docs.liquibase.com/policy-checks
INFO: The return code of all SQL Parser failures can be customized by setting the --sql-parser-fail-severity/LIQUIBASE_COMMAND_CHECKS_RUN_SQL_PARSER_FAIL_SEVERITY property, including setting it to '0' to prevent job interruptions. Learn more at https://docs.liquibase.com/policy-checks
Liquibase command 'checks run' was executed successfully.
* Executing Stage: endStage
* Executing 'liquibase' history
Liquibase History for jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9090/mem:dev
| Deployment ID | Update Date | Changelog Path | Changeset Author | Changeset ID | Tag |
| 9150144810 | 2/28/24, 2:55 PM | example-changelog.xml | your.name | 1 | |
| 9150144810 | 2/28/24, 2:55 PM | example-changelog.xml | your.name | 2 | |
| 9150144810 | 2/28/24, 2:55 PM | example-changelog.xml | other.dev | 3 | |
Liquibase command 'history' was executed successfully.
Liquibase command 'flow' was executed successfully.