
release-locks removes the specific Liquibase lock record from the DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table in the needed database.


release-locks is typically used when there is an interruption with the Liquibase process during deployment resulting from the DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table being in a locked state.


To run the release-locks command, specify the driver, classpath, and URL in the Liquibase properties file. You can also specify these properties in your command line.

Then run the release-locks command:

liquibase release-locks --changelog-file=example-changelog.xml

Command arguments

Tip: For best results, specify all commands and parameters in the --kebab-case format in the CLI. If your preference is camelCase, it also works in the CLI.

Attributes Definition Requirement

The JDBC database connection URL. See Using JDBC URL in Liquibase.


The root changelog


Name of the default catalog to use for the database connection


Name of the default schema to use for the database connection. If defaultSchemaName is set, then objects do not have to be fully qualified. This means you can refer to just mytable instead of myschema.mytable.

Tip: In Liquibase v4.23.0+, camelCase for defaultSchemaName works successfully. If you are on an earlier version, camelCase may not work as expected.

Note: The syntax liquibase.command.defaultSchemaName is valid for v4.19.0+. For prior versions, use defaultSchemaName.


The JDBC driver class


The JDBC driver properties file


Password to connect to the target database.

Tip: It is a best practice to store sensitive data in a Secrets Management tool with Liquibase Pro.


Username to connect to the target database.

Tip: It is a best practice to store sensitive data in a Secrets Management tool with Liquibase Pro.


Note: The username and password attributes are not required for connections and systems which use alternate means of authentication. Also, you can specify database credentials as part of the url attribute.

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