Liquibase Pro Extensions

Liquibase Pro has many features built into the product so that you can apply your Liquibase Pro license key and get started immediately.

Some Liquibase Pro features are stored in separate extensions. The following is a list of such extensions:


Liquibase Extension Documentation Description Download
AWS S3 Liquibase integrates the use of Amazon S3 to store and retrieve data from anywhere. Extending Liquibase to use remote file locations enables secure, centralized file management. Maven: S3 Remote Accessor Extension
AWS Secrets Manager You can natively read your application secrets in Liquibase with the AWS Secrets Manager extension. This extension allows you to store sensitive Liquibase authentication details such as your URL, username, password, and Liquibase Pro license key in your vault. Maven: Liquibase AWS Secrets Manager Extension
HashiCorp Vault You can natively read your application secrets in Liquibase with the Hashicorp Vault extension. This extension allows you to store sensitive Liquibase authentication details such as your URL, username, password, and Liquibase Pro license key in your vault. Maven: HashiCorp Vault Extension
Amazon DynamoDB Pro The Liquibase DynamoDB Pro extension lets you manage DynamoDB objects and manage data via PartiQL statements. It handles AWS platform instructions asynchronously while supporting Liquibase Pro features including Policy Checks, Secrets Management, and Structured Logging. Maven: Liquibase DynamoDB Commercial Extension
MongoDB Pro The Liquibase MongoDB Pro extension lets you use all the features of Liquibase Pro with MongoDB, including Policy Checks, Secrets Management, and Structured Logging. You can use Liquibase with several MongoDB providers, including MongoDB Atlas, MongoDB Community Server, MongoDB Enterprise Server, and the Amazon DocumentDB clone. Maven: Liquibase MongoDB Commercial Extension
Policy Checks

In Liquibase 4.31.0+, the Checks extension is included when you download Liquibase. The Liquibase Checks Extension contains all Policy Checks functionality for all supported database platforms. This includes many built-in checks to provide better risk mitigation, compliance, code quality, security, and governance to your changelog and database. You can also write Custom Policy Checks in Python and integrate them into the Liquibase policy checks framework for easy and consistent deployment.

Maven: Liquibase Checks