Liquibase Observability

Liquibase Observability enables users to share encapsulated information about Liquibase operations across teams with clear organization so users can make informed decisions that affect their database.

When Liquibase operational data is plugged into an observability DevOps dashboard and reporting platform, it provides visibility into database change management and functionality to ensure peak performance and diagnose issues faster to reduce downtime.

Insights and actions powered by database observability can:

  • Reduce remediation time.
  • Identify drifts in a database state.
  • Enable trend analysis.

Structured Logging

You can integrate Liquibase operation data into third-party observability and analysis systems by enabling and configuring Liquibase Pro structured logs.

Structured Logging groups relevant pieces of information in machine-readable JSON formatted messages so Liquibase operation data can be easily ingested by industry-standard observability and analysis tools.

When structured logs are enabled:

  • The same information in the default log is presented as a key:value pair.
  • Once structured logs are enabled, log entries will provide comprehensive details about each changeset executed, including operation types, timestamps, command names, SQL statements, and outcomes.

For a list of endpoints in a structured log, see Structured Logging Keys.

Custom Log Data

You can also introduce your custom and private data into Structured Logs using custom keys.

Custom keys are additional fields or attributes that users can define and include in their Liquibase Pro structured logs to provide more context or information about logged events. This enables dashboard queries and reports to tailor logging to an organization's observability needs.

To learn how to set up a custom log file, see Custom and Private Data in Structured Logs.

Operation Reports

Operation Reports let you generate reports of operations you perform on your database. These reports contain information about the status of your database and deployments and may help you resolve errors in your automation pipeline. You can generate the following reports:

Liquibase Resources

Liquibase Help

Visit the Liquibase Forum to ask questions, find answers from other Liquibase users, and learn about new Liquibase version releases.


Read the Database Observability Guide for an overview of database observability and what it means for your DevOps performance.
