Policy Checks Packages Paths

In Liquibase 4.25.0+, resources specified in a checks package file can be specified as a full path or a relative path. This includes the use of S3, learn more about Remote File Path Rules. Both absolute and relative paths can be local or remote. This document discusses which files need which type of path and why.

Full or relative path

Checks Packages Scenario Accepted Path Use Example
When a checks settings file is being used as a value for the --checks-settings-file parameter. Full OR Relative

CLI Full Path: liquibase checks run --checks-settings-file=s3://my/bucket/liquibase.checks-settings.conf

CLI Relative Path: liquibase checks run --checks-settings-file=resources/liquibase.checks-settings.conf

When a file is being specified to be included in a check package as part of the --package-contents parameter in the checks create command. Relative

CLI Relative Path: liquibase --searchpath=s3://my/bucket/ checks create --package-contents=liquibase.checks-settings.conf

CLI Relative Path: liquibase --searchpath=s3://my/bucket/ checks create --package-contents=a-dir-full-of-files

CLI Relative Path: liquibase --searchpath=s3://my/bucket/ checks create --package-contents=file1.yaml,file2.conf,file3.yaml

Note: These checks packages paths can be specified as environment variables, in the liquibase.properties file, or in the CLI.

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