Use Policy Checks in Automation: Severity and Exit Code

When you run policy checks on a changelog file manually, the CLI output may contain warning messages from triggered checks.

When you deploy Liquibase jobs automatically, you may not directly review the CLI or log file output. Therefore, your automation tools need an exit code configured for your specific needs and an assessment of the checks' severity to determine if the job moves forward or stops.

You can specify a custom exit code for each policy check specified in a checks settings file. Also, the Checks Report displays the severity level associated with each check that was triggered.

Note: When multiple checks are triggered, Liquibase returns the highest exit code of all the triggered checks. This exit code can be detected and processed by automation tools with the echo $? command for Linux or the echo ? command for Windows. Also, if you use policy checks in a flow file, Liquibase 4.24.0 returns the highest exit code specified.

Setting policy checks' severity and exit code

Setting policy checks' severity in an automation process may look as follows:

  1. Run the liquibase checks show command to see the list of available policy checks. Each policy check has a default exit code of 0, which corresponds to the severity level of INFO.
  2. Customize the severity level of the needed checks to set the exit code value.
  3. Configure your automation tools to continue or stop jobs when specific exit codes are returned.

Note: Liquibase triggers a check when a condition is met. For example, "SQL does follow a specific pattern", or "changesets do not have comments." You decide if you want to set conditions that catch missing or existing points and determine your severity levels accordingly.

An example of customizing the severity level of a policy check

Tip: For best results, specify all commands and parameters in the --kebab-case format in the CLI. If your preference is camelCase, it also works in the CLI.

To customize a policy check's severity and exit code:

  1. Run the customize command using the following example parameters:

  2. liquibase checks customize --check-name=ModifyDataTypeWarn
  1. Follow the CLI instructions to set the severity level:

  2. Set the Severity to return a code of 0-4 when triggered (current: '<currentvalue>'. options: 'INFO' (0) 'MINOR' (1), 'MAJOR' (2), 'CRITICAL' (3), BLOCKER' (4) )
  1. Change the default severity of INFO in the CLI output by entering one of the below words or their associated number:

    • MINOR or 1
    • MAJOR or 2
    • CRITICAL or 3
    • BLOCKER or 4

Example: If you set the severity to CRITICAL, you will see 3 in the show output and as the returned exit code when triggered.

The default checks-settings.config file or the custom checks settings file you specify when running the customize command changes the ModifyDataTypeWarn check to have a new severity value in a corresponding number.

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