Using Liquibase with SAP SQL Anywhere

SAP SQL Anywhere (formerly Sybase SQL Anywhere/Sybase ASA) is a relational database management system. For more information, see SAP SQL Anywhere Documentation.

Supported database versions

  • 17.0


  1. Introduction to Liquibase – Dive into Liquibase concepts.
  2. Install Liquibase – Download Liquibase on your machine.
  3. Get Started with Liquibase – Learn how to use Liquibase with an example database.
  4. Design Your Liquibase Project – Create a new Liquibase project folder and organize your changelogs
  5. How to Apply Your Liquibase Pro License Key – If you use Liquibase Pro, activate your license.

Install drivers

To use Liquibase and SAP SQL Anywhere, you need the JDBC driver JAR file, which is pre-installed in the SAP SQL Anywhere database client.

Place your JAR file(s) in the liquibase/lib directory.

If you use Maven, note that this database does not provide its driver JAR on a public Maven repository, so you must install a local copy and add it as a dependency to your pom.xml file.

Test your connection

  1. Ensure your SAP SQL Anywhere database is configured. See Installing SQL Anywhere and SQL Anywhere JDBC Driver Connection Strings for more information.
  2. Specify the database URL in the file (defaults file), along with other properties you want to set a default value for. Liquibase does not parse the URL. You can either specify the full database connection string or specify the URL using your database's standard JDBC format:
  3. url: jdbc:sqlanywhere:UserID=DBA;Password=passwd;

    Tip: To apply a Liquibase Pro key to your project, add the following property to the Liquibase properties file: licenseKey: <paste code here>

  1. Create a text file called changelog (.xml, .sql, .json, or .yaml) in your project directory and add a changeset.
  2. If you already created a changelog using the init project command, you can use that instead of creating a new file. When adding onto an existing changelog, be sure to only add the changeset and to not duplicate the changelog header.

    XML example
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <changeSet id="1" author="Liquibase">
            <createTable tableName="test_table">
                <column name="test_id" type="int">
                    <constraints primaryKey="true"/>
                <column name="test_column" type="INT"/>
    SQL example
    -- liquibase formatted sql
    -- changeset liquibase:1
    CREATE TABLE test_table (test_id INT, test_column INT, PRIMARY KEY (test_id))

    Tip: Formatted SQL changelogs generated from Liquibase versions before 4.2 might cause issues because of the lack of space after a double dash ( -- ). To fix this, add a space after the double dash. For example: -- liquibase formatted sql instead of --liquibase formatted sql and -- changeset myname:create-table instead of --changeset myname:create-table.

    YAML example
       - changeSet:
           id: 1
           author: Liquibase
           - createTable:
               tableName: test_table
               - column:
                   name: test_column
                   type: INT
                       primaryKey:  true
                       nullable:  false
    JSON example
      "databaseChangeLog": [
          "changeSet": {
            "id": "1",
            "author": "Liquibase",
            "changes": [
                "createTable": {
                  "tableName": "test_table",
                  "columns": [
                      "column": {
                        "name": "test_column",
                        "type": "INT",
                        "constraints": {
                          "primaryKey": true,
                          "nullable": false
  3. Navigate to your project folder in the CLI and run the Liquibase status command to see whether the connection is successful:
  4. liquibase status --username=test --password=test --changelog-file=<changelog.xml>

    Note: You can specify arguments in the CLI or keep them in the Liquibase properties file.

    If your connection is successful, you'll see a message like this:

    4 changesets have not been applied to <your_jdbc_url>
    Liquibase command 'status' was executed successfully.
  5. Inspect the SQL with the update-sql command. Then make changes to your database with the update command.
  6. liquibase update-sql --changelog-file=<changelog.xml>
    liquibase update --changelog-file=<changelog.xml>

    If your update is successful, Liquibase runs each changeset and displays a summary message ending with:

    Liquibase: Update has been successful.
    Liquibase command 'update' was executed successfully.
  7. From a database UI tool, ensure that your database contains the test_table you added along with the DATABASECHANGELOG table and DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table.

Now you're ready to start making deployments with Liquibase!

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