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Using the Run Job Pipeline Stage with Spinnaker

Spinnaker can execute Liquibase using the official Liquibase Docker image. The following diagram shows the Run Job pipeline stage executing a docker run to perform database updates:

Docker RunJob Pipeline Stage

Setting up Spinnaker and the Run Job pipeline stage

Step 1: Install Spinnaker

Make sure that you installed Spinnaker. You can use the Spinnaker Quick Start provided by Armory.

Step 2: Configure Run Job pipeline stage

Configure the Run Job pipeline stage by setting up a docker registry so that Spinnaker can access the images to run.

Step 3: Configure the manifest

Use the following manifest source text (YAML):

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
 name: liquibase-runner
 backoffLimit: 0
        - args:
        - '--classpath=/workspace/example/changelogs'
        - '--changelog-file=samplechangelog.h2.sql'
        - '--username=liqubase'
        - '--password=password'
        - '--url=jdbc:sqlserver://<IP OR HOSTNAME>:1433;database=<database name>'
        - update
        image: ''
        name: liquibase
          - mountPath: /workspace
            name: workspace
          - command:
              - git
              - clone
              - '--single-branch'
              - '--branch'
              - $(BRANCH)
              - $(REPO)
              - /workspace
              - name: BRANCH
                value: main
              - name: REPO
                value: ''
            image: alpine/git
            name: git
              - mountPath: /workspace
                name: workspace
        restartPolicy: Never
          - emptyDir: {}
            name: workspace

The following parameters are hard coded for reference:


If you use an Oracle database, use the sample JDBC URL for Oracle: --url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<IP OR HOSTNAME>:<PORT>/<SERVICE NAME OR SID>. The format for the JDBC URL for MSSQL Server is the following: --url=jdbc:sqlserver://<IP OR HOSTNAME>:>:<PORT>;database=<database name>.

Once you have created the job, you will see the following in Spinnaker:

Spinnaker Workflow

Step 4: Run Liquibase

Select Start Manual Execution in the upper-right corner of the pipeline. Now, you will see a Liquibase update in the Spinnaker console:

Spinnaker Console

Pipeline as code (JSON)

As all Spinnaker jobs are based on JSON, see JSON for the job you used if you want to manage your Spinnaker pipeline as a code:

 "keepWaitingPipelines": false,
 "lastModifiedBy": "admin",
 "limitConcurrent": true,
 "spelEvaluator": "v4",
 "stages": [
     "account": "spinnaker",
     "alias": "runJob",
     "application": "liquibasejenkins",
     "cloudProvider": "kubernetes",
     "credentials": "spinnaker",
     "manifest": {
       "apiVersion": "batch/v1",
       "kind": "Job",
       "metadata": {
         "name": "liquibase-runner"
        "spec": {
          "backoffLimit": 0,
          "template": {
            "spec": {
              "containers": [
                  "args": [
                  "image": "",
                  "name": "liquibase",
                  "volumeMounts": [
                      "mountPath": "/workspace",
                      "name": "workspace"
              "initContainers": [
                  "command": [
                  "env": [
                       "name": "BRANCH",
                       "value": "main"
                       "name": "REPO",
                       "value": ""
                  "image": "alpine/git",
                  "name": "git",
                  "volumeMounts": [
                      "mountPath": "/workspace",
                      "name": "workspace"
              "restartPolicy": "Never",
              "volumes": [
                  "emptyDir": {},
                  "name": "workspace"
      "name": "Run Job (Manifest)",
      "refId": "1",
      "requisiteStageRefIds": [],
      "source": "text",
      "type": "runJobManifest"
   "triggers": [],
   "updateTs": "1603738482000"