How to Apply Your Liquibase Pro License Key

Liquibase Pro offers all the functionality of Liquibase Open Source as well as the following features:

For more information about Liquibase Pro features, see Liquibase Pro.

Note: To take advantage of all Liquibase Pro features, it is recommended to use the latest version of Liquibase.

Apply your Liquibase Pro license key

Tip: It is best to use a Secrets Management tool like Hashicorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager to keep Liquibase license keys secure.

There are several ways to apply the Liquibase Pro license key:

Include the Liquibase Pro license key in the Liquibase properties file and save it. For example:

liquibase.licenseKey: aei76ou32thp785463214

Pass the Liquibase Pro license key as a parameter in the command line during runtime:

liquibase --license-key=[paste the Liquibase Pro license key] [command]

For example:

liquibase --license-key=aei76ou32thp785463214 update

Set the Liquibase Pro license key as an environment variable in the command line.

On Windows:

set LIQUIBASE_LICENSE_KEY=aei76ou32thp785463214

On Linux/macOS:

export LIQUIBASE_LICENSE_KEY=aei76ou32thp785463214

Set the Liquibase Pro license key with the JAVA_OPTS Environment Variable in the command line:

JAVA_OPTS="Dliquibase.licenseKey=<enter license key here>"

Pass the Liquibase Pro license key while using a Docker container. Docker allows the use of --env in the command.

docker run --env LIQUIBASE_LICENSE_KEY=<enter license key here>...  \
-it liquibase/liquibase:latest sh

If you use Maven, include the Liquibase Pro license key in the <properties> section of your pom.xml file:


For example:


Note: In older versions of Liquibase, you must use the syntax <liquibaseProLicenseKey> instead of <liquibaseLicenseKey>.

If you use Azure DevOps and pass your license key as an environment variable, you can set the value of LIQUIBASE_LICENSE_KEY in your Azure DevOps pipeline setting file:

script: |
    echo "Running Policy Checks"
    liquibase checks run --changeLogFile=mysqlChangelog.xml
displayName: 'Run Policy Checks'
    LIQUIBASE_LICENSE_KEY: $(LiquibaseKey)

In this example, LiquibaseKey is the name of the Azure DevOps project variable whose value is the license key.

You can directly embed your Liquibase Pro license key (myProLicenseKey) in a custom Java application by following these steps:

  1. In your Maven pom.xml file, point to liquibase-commercial.jar as a dependency:
  2. <dependency>
  3. In your custom Java file, import the following:
  4. import com.datical.liquibase.ext.config.LiquibaseLabsConfiguration;
  5. In your custom Java file, call on the LiquibaseLabsConfiguration class. For example, to specify your license key so that you can run the Liquibase Pro update-one-changeset command:
  6. Scope.child(LiquibaseLabsConfiguration.LICENSE_KEY.getKey(), "myProLicenseKey", () ->
        new CommandScope(UpdateOneChangeSetSqlCommandStep.COMMAND_NAME)
            .addArgumentValue(DbUrlConnectionArgumentsCommandStep.DATABASE_ARG, liquibase.getDatabase())
            .addArgumentValue(DatabaseChangelogCommandStep.CHANGELOG_FILE_ARG, "/db_schema/changelog.xml")
            .addArgumentValue(UpdateOneChangeSetCommandStep.CHANGESET_AUTHOR_ARG, "fl")
            .addArgumentValue(UpdateOneChangeSetCommandStep.CHANGESET_ID_ARG, "1")
            .addArgumentValue(UpdateOneChangeSetCommandStep.CHANGESET_PATH_ARG, "/db_schema/changelog.xml")

For information on running Liquibase commands in Java files, see liquibase.command.CommandScope.

To verify that your Liquibase Pro license key works as expected and to check its expiration date, you can run the status command.

Note: The syntax (rather than liquibase.licenseKey) is deprecated by Liquibase, but still works.

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