
The PatternAFollowedByPatternB Policy Check triggers on changesets in which user-supplied regular expression pattern A is followed by the user-supplied regular expression pattern B. This check is pre-configured, so users only need to supply the patterns and do not have to manually write regular expressions to look ahead in their changelog.

About PatternAFollowedByPatternB
Liquibase version required 4.26.0+
Scope (--checks-scope) changelog
Default status disabled
Default severity (exit code) 0 ("INFO")
Customizable settings Yes (dynamic)


The PatternAFollowedByPatternB check can be used to confirm conditions within the changelog. This check allows you to check for specific patterns in your changelog and then produce a logged record of changeset structure when certain conditions are met. When it is executed successfully the checks message is logged to the console and logs as proof that changesets conform to specific standards.

Use PatternAFollowedByPatternB

Tip: PatternAFollowedByPatternB logic: If regular expression pattern X exists then Pattern A must exist after pattern X.


  1. Ensure that you have correctly specified your Liquibase Pro license key.
  2. Ensure that the --checks-scope parameter includes the scope of this check.

For example:

globalArgs: { license-key: "<string>" }
cmdArgs: { checks-scope: "<string>" }
liquibase.licenseKey: <string>
liquibase.command.checksScope: <string>
liquibase.licenseKey: <string> <string>
JAVA_OPTS=-Dliquibase.licenseKey=<string> -Dliquibase.command.checksScope=<string>


This check is disabled by default. To enable it, run the enable command:

liquibase checks enable --check-name=<string>

When you try to enable the check, Liquibase displays the following message:

This check can not be enabled directly because one or more fields does not have a default value.  Create a copy of this check and initiate the customization workflow.

Liquibase then prompts you to specify a name for the new check. By default, the name of the copy is <CheckName>1. You can use the default value by pressing Enter or you can specify a custom name.


This check is dynamic, meaning you can customize its settings. See the table on this page for more information.

  1. Once you've enabled the check, follow the steps in the CLI to set new values:
    • Default values are shown in [brackets]. You can use these by pressing Enter. Alternatively, specify custom values.
    • If a customization setting does not have a default value, you must specify custom values.
  2. When finished, verify that your configuration is correct by running the show command:
  3. liquibase checks show --check-name=<string>
  4. If you need to make any other changes, run the customize command:
  5. liquibase checks customize --check-name=<string>

    Note: If you want to create another variant of this check with different settings, use the copy command to create a copy of the original check and then use the customize command to customize it.


To run the check, use the run command:

liquibase checks run --check-name=<string>
      - type: liquibase
        command: checks run
        cmdArgs: {check-name: <string>}

And then run the flow command on your flow file:

liquibase flow