Database Quality Checks

Database quality checks allow you to confirm the presence of specific objects and conditions in the database to ensure the integrity of the database.

To execute these quality checks, ensure that --checks-scope contains database.

For more information about using quality checks, see Quality Checks. For a list of all checks, see Library of Quality Checks.

Database Checks

Short Name Scope (--checks-scope value) Description Enabled by Default
ObjectNameMustMatch changelog or database The ObjectNameMustMatch check allows you to confirm the listed object names conform to the supplied pattern. false
ObjectNameMustNotMatch changelog or database The ObjectNameMustNotMatch check allows you to confirm the listed object names conform to the supplied pattern and locate the object names that do not match so they can be corrected. false
OracleReservedKeywords changelog or database This check can be used to prevent Oracle's reserved keywords from being used in database object names. false
PostgresNonReservedKeywords changelog or database This check disallows Postgres non-reserved keywords from being used in database object names. See the SQL Key Words Appenix for complete list of keywords. false
PostgresReservedKeywords changelog or database This check disallows Postgres reserved keywords from being used in database object names. See the SQL Key Words Appendix for complete list of keywords. false
SQLServerFutureReservedKeywords changelog or database This check disallows SQL Server's future reserved keywords from being used in database object names. See Reserved Keywords (Transact-SQL) for complete list of keywords. false
SQLServerODBCReservedKeywords changelog or database This check disallows SQL Server's ODBC reserved keywords from being used in database object names. See Reserved Keywords (Transact-SQL) for complete list of keywords. false
SQLServerReservedKeywords changelog or database This check disallows SQL Server reserved keywords from being used in database object names. See Reserved Keywords (Transact-SQL) for complete list of keywords. false
TableColumnLimit changelog or database The TableColumnLimit check allows you to ensure that no table described in a changelog or existing in a database target has more than a threshold number of columns. true
TableCommentCheck changelog or database The TableCommentCheck check allows you to flag any table that does not have a comment. Note that this is not a check for a Liquibase changelog comment. true
TableCommentPatternCheck changelog or database The TableCommentPatternCheck check triggers when specific user-supplied patterns are present in table comments. false
ConstraintMustExist database The ConstraintMustExist check allows you to specify an individual table or column by name to check that it has one or more specific constraints. false