
This check triggers when the number of rows a SQL statement updates exceeds the value of MaxAffectedRowsAllowed. The SQL statement is executed against the database and then rolled back.


Use this check to prevent statements from being inserted into your database if more than a specified number of rows are affected by that statement.

Run the maxAffectedRowsAllowedUpdate check

To run the maxAffectedRowsAllowedUpdate check, ensure you have a Liquibase Pro license, a valid url property that points to a live JDBC connection or a snapshot, and that the checks-scope property includes the changelog. The checks-scope property is set in the default properties file, environment variable, or any standard method. Then check if any searchable object types match the supplied pattern.

  1. To set the number of rows allowed you must customize the maxAffectedRowsAllowedUpdate check. Run the following command in the CLI:

    liquibase checks customize --check-name=maxAffectedRowsAllowedUpdate
  2. Set the Severity to return a code of 0-4 when triggered. (options: 'INFO'|0, 'MINOR'|1, 'MAJOR'|2, 'CRITICAL'|3, 'BLOCKER'|4)? [INFO]:

  3. Set the maximum affected rows in the CLI:

    MAX_ROWS (options: positive numeric value) [50]:
  4. Set the message that displays when this check runs.

    Set 'MESSAGE' [<AFFECTED_ROWS> rows will be affected, which is more than the allowed '<THRESHOLD>' rows. The SQL statement is '<STATEMENT>' in '<CHANGESET>'.]:
  5. Enable the maxAffectedRowsAllowedUpdate check by running the following command in the CLI:

    liquibase checks enable --check-name=maxAffectedRowsAllowedUpdate

  6. MaxAffectedRowsAllowedUpdate Default message

    The maxAffectedRowsAllowedUpdate default message is displayed below.

    Checks completed validation of the changelog and found the following issues:
    Check Name:         Check Affected Rows Count (MAX_ROWS)
    Changeset ID:       01
    Changeset Filepath: update.sql
    Check Severity:     INFO (Return code: 0)
    Message:            More than the allowed '50' rows will be affected by the SQL statement 
                        '<SQL STATEMENT>' in 

maxAffectedRowsAllowedUpdate Default message

The maxAffectedRowsAllowedUpdate default message is displayed below.

Checks completed validation of the changelog and found the following issues:

Check Name:         Check Affected Rows Count (MAX_ROWS)
Changeset ID:       01
Changeset Filepath: update.sql
Check Severity:     INFO (Return code: 0)
Message:            More than the allowed '50' rows will be affected by the SQL statement 
                    '<SQL STATEMENT>' in 