
The PatternANotPrecededByPatternB Policy Check triggers on changesets in which user-supplied regular expression pattern A is not preceded by the user-supplied regular expression pattern B. This check is pre-configured, so users only need to supply the patterns and do not have to manually write regular expressions to perform negative lookbehinds on their changelog.


The PatternANotPrecededByPatternB check can be used to confirm conditions within the changelog. This check allows you to check for specific patterns in your changelog and then produce a logged record of changeset structure when certain conditions are met. When it is executed successfully the checks message is logged to the console and logs as proof that changesets conform to specific standards.

Short Name Scope Enabled Severity Customization Description
PatternANotPrecededByPatternB changelog


Default value: 0

  • 'INFO' | 0
  • 'MINOR' | 1
  • 'MAJOR' | 2
  • 'CRITICAL' | 3
  • 'BLOCKER' | 4


This check is pre-configured, so users only need to supply the patterns and do not have to manually write regular expressions to perform negative lookbehinds on their changelog

Run the PatternANotPrecededByPatternB check

To run the PatternANotPrecededByPatternB check, ensure you have a Liquibase Pro license and the checks-scope property includes changelog. The checks-scope parameter is set in the default properties file, environment variable, or any standard method.

Tip: PatternANotPrecededByPatternB logic: If regular expression pattern X exists then Pattern A must not exist before pattern X.

In this example, you are ensuring that all instances of Pattern A do not exist before pattern X. When this check runs successfully, a log will be created that displays all instances of Pattern A that do not exist before pattern X in your changelog.

  1. Enable the PatternANotPrecededByPatternB check by running the following command in the CLI:
    liquibase checks copy --check-name=PatternANotPrecededByPatternBCheck
  2. Give your check a short name for easy identification such as RegexNegativeLookBehindCheck. The new RegexNegativeLookBehindCheck check is created from the PatternANotPrecededByPatternBCheck.

    Note: You can use up to 64 alpha-numeric characters in any short name.

  3. In the CLI, set the Severity to return a code of 0-4 when the check is triggered. Set the severity to 0.
    Your options are:

    'INFO'|0, 'MINOR'|1, 'MAJOR'|2, 'CRITICAL'|3, 'BLOCKER'|4)
  4. Set the 'PRIMARY_SEARCH_STRING' to a string or a valid regular expression.
    Set it to a regular expression (ALTER|DROP)\s*TABLE.

  5. Set the 'LOOKBEHIND_SEARCH_STRING' to a string or a valid regular expression.
    Set it to a regular expression CREATE\s*SNAPSHOT\s*TABLE.

  6. Set the case sensitivity to true or false.
    Set it to 'CASE_SENSITIVE' false.

    Set it to '<LOOKBEHIND_SEARCH_STRING>' must not appear before '<PRIMARY_SEARCH_STRING>'

  8. Set the 'STRIP_COMMENTS' to true or false.
    Set it to true.

Once successfully run, either of the two resulting reports appear:

			Checks completed validation of the changelog and found the following issues:

			Check Name:         Pattern a not preceded By pattern b (RegexNegativeLookBehindCheck)
			Changeset ID:       createFunction
			Changeset Filepath: changelog.sql
			Check Severity:     INFO (Return code: 0)
		Message:            A match for regular expression 'LOOKBEHIND_SEARCH_STRING' must not appear before 'PRIMARY_SEARCH_STRING' was detected in Changeset 'createFunction'.