
This check warns when a create table action does not also include a primary key.

About PrimaryKeyOnCreateTable
Liquibase version required 4.12.0+
Scope (--checks-scope) changelog
Default status enabled
Default severity (exit code) 0 ("INFO")
Customizable settings Yes (dynamic)


Use the check to warn when a changeset which creates a table does not include the creation of a primary key. Primary keys are not required on certain tables, but for tables which are heavily used for search or other frequent reads, a primary key can boost performance, and the lack of one can cause significant performance degradations. If your policies or internal practices allow certain tables without primary keys, you can customize the Exceptions_List. This policy check, like other checks, can be configured with a severity level which returns an exit code designed to stop automated jobs, giving your team time to apply this recommended performance practice.

Use PrimaryKeyOnCreateTable

Note: PrimaryKeyOnCreateTable only supports modeled changeset types. If you use this Policy Check with unmodeled changesets (formatted SQL changelogs as well as sql and sqlFile changeTypes), a message will appear stating the changeset was skipped.


  1. Ensure that you have correctly specified your Liquibase Pro license key.
  2. Ensure that the --checks-scope parameter includes the scope of this check.

For example:

globalArgs: { license-key: "<string>" }
cmdArgs: { checks-scope: "<string>" }
liquibase.licenseKey: <string>
liquibase.command.checksScope: <string>
liquibase.licenseKey: <string> <string>
JAVA_OPTS=-Dliquibase.licenseKey=<string> -Dliquibase.command.checksScope=<string>


This check is enabled by default. To verify that it is currently enabled, run the show command:

liquibase checks show --check-name=<string>


This check is dynamic, meaning you can customize its settings. See the table on this page for more information.

  1. If you want to customize any default values of this check, run the customize command:
  2. liquibase checks customize --check-name=<string>
  3. When finished, verify that your configuration is correct by running the show command:
  4. liquibase checks show --check-name=<string>


To run the check, use the run command:

liquibase checks run --check-name=<string>
      - type: liquibase
        command: checks run
        cmdArgs: {check-name: <string>}

And then run the flow command on your flow file:

liquibase flow