
The Liquibase changelog file is a root file that contains a record of all your database changes (changesets). For more information on the changelog, please read the overview page here: Changelog.

The --changelog-file parameter helps you create a changelog file using the generate-changelog command or diff-changelog command, apply changes to your database, and keep track of your database information.

  • Use the generate-changelog command and the --changelog-file parameter if you want to capture the current state of a database. The command creates the changelog file with a sequence of changesets, which describes how to re-create your database. Then, you can apply those changesets to any number of databases.

Note: To generate a changelog file using Ant and Maven, run the Ant generateChangeLog task with the outputFile parameter and the Maven generateChangeLog goal with the outputChangeLogFile parameter.

  • Use the diff-changelog command with the --changelog-file parameter to have the information on differences between the two databases you are comparing. The command creates the changelog file containing deployable changesets to synchronize multiple databases.

Tip: To create an empty changelog file, go to your Liquibase directory and create a new text file with the .xml, .sql, .yaml, or .json extension.

To apply changes related to a specific changelog file, run the changelog-file parameter and the needed command. You can also set the parameter in the Liquibase properties file.

Tip: For best results, specify all commands and parameters in the --kebab-case format in the CLI. If your preference is camelCase, it also works in the CLI.


You can set this parameter in the following ways:

Option Syntax
Liquibase properties file (defaults file)
liquibase.changelogFile: <string>
Global flow file argument (example)
      - type: liquibase
        command: update
        globalArgs: { changelog-file: "<string>" }
Global CLI parameter
 --changelog-file=<string> update

JVM system property (JAVA_OPTS Environment Variable)




Liquibase Environment Variables

For more information, see Working with Command Parameters.

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