
The --sql-log-level parameter controls the amount of messages that are generated from SQL statements in Liquibase. You can set --sql-log-level to the following values:

  • SEVERE (highest level): Show serious failures that may prevent program execution.
  • WARNING: Show potential problems for program execution.
  • INFO: Show informational messages.
  • FINE (lowest level; formerly DEBUG): Show tracing information of program execution and minor failures.
  • OFF: Hide all log messages.

If you set --sql-log-level to a particular level, it will show all messages at that level and at higher levels of importance. The --sql-log-level default value is FINE.

Note: The --log-level property is required for --sql-log-level to operate successfully.


In Liquibase 4.6.2+, the --sql-log-level parameter lets you set the log level for SQL output that Liquibase generates. This allows you to have different log levels for Liquibase output and the output of the SQL Liquibase runs.

If you don't specify a value for --sql-log-level, all SQL output is generated according to the --log-level parameter.


You can set this parameter in the following ways:

Option Syntax
Liquibase properties file
liquibase.sql.logLevel: <string>
Global flow file argument (example)
      - type: liquibase
        command: update
        globalArgs: { sql-log-level: "<string>" }
Global CLI parameter
 --sql-log-level=<string> update

JVM system property (JAVA_OPTS Environment Variable)

Liquibase Environment Variables

For more information, see Working with Command Parameters.

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