Liquibase 4.28.0 Release Notes

Liquibase 4.28.0 is a major release. Liquibase 4.28.0 contains several notable enhancements for Liquibase Pro users: support for the DATABASECHANGELOGHISTORY table on Google BigQuery, more advanced variable functionality in flow files, support for include and includeAll in Formatted SQL changelogs, and a new --pro-strict parameter to verify the existence of your Liquibase Pro resource files and rollback scripts.

See GitHub formatted release notes for more information. Full changelog: 4.27.0–4.28.0 (May 21, 2024)

Liquibase Pro

DATABASECHANGELOGHISTORY table with Google BigQuery: See all changes that have been applied

  • Liquibase uses the DATABASECHANGELOGHISTORY (DBCLH) table to record a history of all changes made to the database. Unlike the DATABASECHANGELOG (DBCL) table that only shows active changes, the DBCLH shows all historical changes, including those that have been rolled back, dropped, or cleared. The DBCLH is now available for Google BigQuery users.

Flow file usage enhancements: Full strings as single variable values, and nested variables for "double-expansion"

  • Flow files have been enhanced to allow multi-part arguments to be expanded from a single variable. Think cmdArgs: { "${COMMAND_ARGS}" }, which allows for more dynamic customization in the flow file operations. Similarly, variables can include other variables when expanded, which will in turn be expanded before processing.
  • Learn more: Flow Variables

Formatted SQL changelog enhanced with include/includeAll functionality

  • Bringing parity to Formatted SQL users, we are happy to announce include and includeAll capabilities from within Formatted SQL changelogs.
  • Learn more: include and includeAll

New --pro-strict parameter: Catch missing Liquibase Pro resource files early!

  • A new optional Liquibase Pro parameter which alerts users when specified paths to Liquibase Pro resource files (such as flow files, checks settings files, and native executor configuration files) and rollback scripts are missing or empty.
  • Learn more: pro-strict

Liquibase Open Source and Liquibase Pro

Database platform improvements

SQL Server

  • Stop appending an extra semicolon to Formatted SQL statements.
  • Fix the parsing error that occurred in SQL containing BEGIN DIALOG/BEGIN CONVERSATION.


  • Fix the ordering of the Oracle SQL for global temporary tables from TEMPORARY GLOBAL to GLOBAL TEMPORARY.
  • Add support for the ON COMMIT clause.


  • Update the uniqueConstraintExists precondition to honor the schemaName attribute.
  • Update the columnExists precondition to have the correct schema when checking against a snapshot.

JDBC driver updates

  • SQLite JDBC Driver to
  • Snowflake JDBC driver to 3.16.0