Using mongosh in Your Changelog

In Liquibase, you organize changes into one or more changelogs. Your changelogs contain individual changes to your database.

You can write Liquibase changelogs in the MongoDB Pro extension in three ways:

  • Native MongoDB Shell (mongosh) scripts in JavaScript – Let developers use Liquibase without modifying existing scripts
  • Formatted Mongo changelogs (MongoDB Pro 1.3.0+) – Add Liquibase changeset metadata to your mongosh scripts to use features like rollback, contexts, labels, and the include and includeAll tags
  • XML, YAML, and JSON modeled changelogs – Specify mongosh scripts using the mongo and mongoFile Change Types and create root changelogs to use include and includeAll

Native MongoDB Shell (mongosh) scripts

The MongoDB Pro extension lets you use MongoDB's native language of JavaScript in changesets and Change Types. This is possible because MongoDB Shell (mongosh) is compatible with Liquibase Pro. For more information, see MongoDB: Write Scripts. Example syntax:


Formatted Mongo changelogs

With the Liquibase MongoDB Pro extension 1.3.0+, you can use a formatted Mongo changelog for MongoDB Pro, similar to a formatted SQL changelog. This lets you use mongosh scripts written in JavaScript directly in Liquibase.

All Liquibase formatted Mongo changelogs must use the file extension .JS or .js. They must also begin with a changelog header: // liquibase formatted mongodb. Your changesets must each specify runWith:mongosh. For example:

// liquibase formatted mongodb

// changeset labels:example-label context:example-context runWith:mongosh
// comment: example comment


// rollback db = db.person.drop()

XML, YAML, and JSON changelogs

You can use XML, YAML, or JSON "modeled" changelogs instead of writing plain or Formatted Mongo scripts in JavaScript. XML, YAML, and JSON changelogs have all the functionality of a Formatted Mongo changelog, like specifying metadata tags and including other changelogs. You must specify mongosh as the value of runWith in each changeset.

In a modeled changelog, you can specify mongosh code within the mongo and mongoFile Change Types. Liquibase then implements this in your database. However, the actual mongosh you specify is the same as in Formatted Mongo.

If you want to use the include or includeAll tag in a root changelog, it must be an XML, YAML, or JSON file. The child changelogs you reference can be written in Formatted Mongo, XML, YAML, or JSON.

With the Liquibase MongoDB Pro extension 1.3.0+, you can use a formatted Mongo changelog for MongoDB Pro, similar to a formatted SQL changelog. This lets you use mongosh scripts written in JavaScript directly in Liquibase.

All Liquibase formatted Mongo changelogs must use the file extension .JS or .js. They must also begin with a changelog header: // liquibase formatted mongodb. Your changesets must each specify runWith:mongosh. For example:

// liquibase formatted mongodb

// changeset labels:example-label context:example-context runWith:mongosh
// comment: example comment


// rollback db = db.person.drop()

The Liquibase MongoDB Pro extension uses a unique mongodb-pro XML namespace and XSD files in the changelog header. However, the ext prefix used with other extensions is backwards-compatible:


    <changeSet id="1" author="" runWith="mongosh">
        <mongodb-pro:mongo dbms="mongodb">


    <changeSet id="2" author="" runWith="mongosh">
        <mongodb-pro:mongoFile dbms="mongodb" path="scriptFile.txt" relativeToChangelogFile="true"/>


  - changeSet:
      id: 1
      runWith: mongosh
        - mongo:
            mongo: "db.createCollection('person')"
            dbms: mongodb
        - rollback:
              mongo: "db.person.drop()"

  - changeSet:
      id: 2
      runWith: mongosh
        - mongoFile:
            path: "scriptFile.txt"
            dbms: mongodb
            relativeToChangelogFile: "true"
        - rollback:
              mongo: ""
  "databaseChangeLog": [
      "changeSet": {
        "id": "1",
        "author": "",
        "runWith": "mongosh",
        "changes": [
            "mongo": {
              "dbms": "mongodb",
              "mongo": "db.createCollection('person')"
        "rollback": [
            "mongo": {
              "mongo": "db.person.drop()"
      "changeSet": {
        "id": "2",
        "author": "",
        "runWith": "mongosh",
        "changes": [
            "mongoFile": {
              "dbms": "mongodb",
              "path": "scriptFile.txt",
              "relativeToChangelogFile": true
        "rollback": [
            "mongo": {
              "mongo": ""

Alternatively, you can specify some Change Type behavior using the MongoDB Liquibase Open Source syntax, which is included in your MongoDB Liquibase Pro installation. These Change Types run corresponding commands in MongoDB. This syntax is only valid for XML, YAML, and JSON changelogs.

For a list of all Pro and OSS MongoDB Change Types and full syntax examples, see Liquibase Change Types for MongoDB.

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