Using Liquibase and MSSQL Server with Windows Integrated Security
You can use Liquibase to manage changes to your Microsoft SQL Server database. If your application runs on a Windows-based intranet, you can also use Windows Integrated Security to access your database.
To do this, you must first complete the integrated security setup complete on your server. For more information, see How to: Access SQL Server Using Windows Integrated Security. Then you can set up Liquibase to manage your changes.
To set up Liquibase with MSSQL without using Windows Integrated Security, see Using Liquibase with Microsoft SQL Server.
- Introduction to Liquibase: Dive into Liquibase concepts.
- Install Liquibase: Download Liquibase on your machine.
- Ensure Java is installed: Liquibase requires Java to run. If you used the Liquibase Installer, Java is included automatically. Otherwise, you must install Java manually.
- Get Started with Liquibase: Learn how to use Liquibase with an example database.
- Design Your Liquibase Project: Create a new Liquibase project folder and organize your changelogs.
- How to Apply Your Liquibase Pro License Key: If you use Liquibase Pro, activate your license.
Install drivers
CLI users
To use Liquibase and Microsoft SQL Server, you need the JDBC driver JAR file (Maven download).
directory, so you don't need to install it yourself.
Maven users
To use Liquibase with Maven, pom.xml
file. Using this information, Maven automatically downloads the driver JAR from Maven Central when you build your project.
Non-default driver
If you need to install a non-default driver for MSSQL, follow these steps:
- Ensure the JDBC driver is version 9.4+ to avoid getting the following error: "This driver is not configured for integrated authentication."
- Place your non-default driver in the
directory. - Edit the
environment variable: add the filepath of the driver filemssql-jdbc_auth-<version>.x64.dll
Configure connection
Ensure your MSSQL database is configured:
- Ensure your SQL Server ports are open to communicate with the server.
- Ensure with your IT admin that an inbound firewall rule for SQL Server ports 1433 TCP/IP and 1434 UDP/IP is enabled.
- Restart the Server to take the new changes.
Specify the database URL in the Liquibase properties file:
url: jdbc:sqlserver://hostname;portNumber=1433;databaseName=databaseName;integratedSecurity=true;
with your actual hostname anddatabaseName
with your actual database name. You don't have to setusername
because the authentication is established on the operating system thread to access the SQL Server database.Tip: To apply a Liquibase Pro key to your project, add the following property to the Liquibase properties file:
licenseKey: <paste code here>
Test connection
Create a new changelog file called
with the following create tablesalesTableZ
changeset:--liquibase formatted sql --changeset TsviZ:createTable_salesTableZ-1221 CREATE TABLE salesTableZ ( ID int NOT NULL, NAME varchar(20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, REGION varchar(20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, MARKET varchar(20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ) --rollback DROP TABLE salesTableZ
- Navigate to your project folder in the CLI and run the Liquibase status command to see whether the connection is successful:
- Inspect the SQL with the update-sql command. Then make changes to your database with the update command.
- From a database UI tool, ensure that your database contains the
object you added along with the DATABASECHANGELOG table and DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table.
liquibase status --changelog-file=myChangeLog.sql
Note: You can specify arguments in the CLI or keep them in the Liquibase properties file.
If your connection is successful, you'll see a message like this:
4 changesets have not been applied to <your_jdbc_url>
Liquibase command 'status' was executed successfully.
liquibase update-sql --changelog-file=myChangeLog.sql
liquibase update --changelog-file=myChangeLog.sql
If your update
is successful, Liquibase runs each changeset and displays a summary message ending with:
Liquibase: Update has been successful.
Liquibase command 'update' was executed successfully.
Now you're ready to start making deployments with Liquibase!
For more information, including a list of supported commands and Change Types in Microsoft SQL Server, see Using Liquibase with Microsoft SQL Server.