Adding and Updating Liquibase Drivers

To establish a connection between Liquibase and your database, you must store the JDBC driver for your database version as a JAR file in your liquibase/lib folder.

Liquibase comes with pre-installed drivers for the following databases in the liquibase/internal/lib folder:

To use another database with Liquibase, you must add the appropriate database driver to liquibase/lib. You can download a database's JDBC driver from its website. To replace a pre-installed driver, delete or rename the existing JDBC file in liquibase/internal/lib and add the new one in liquibase/lib.

Tip: For a full list of drivers for databases supported by Liquibase, see Liquibase Database Tutorials. For a list of databases whose extensions are community-maintained, see Liquibase Database Tutorials: Community-Maintained.

If you specify a value for the driver in the Liquibase properties file, in the CLI, or as an environment variable, make sure it matches the appropriate driver in liquibase/internal/lib or liquibase/lib.

If you downloaded a driver a placed it in a directory other than the recommended liquibase/lib, you must set the classpath in your Liquibase properties file to the path to that directory. For more information, see Create and Configure a File.


If you use Liquibase with Maven, you can specify the driver in your pom.xml file:
