Native Executors

Liquibase primarily uses JDBC drivers to connect and deploy changesets to a database. However, there are instances when the JDBC driver is insufficient to process highly specialized SQL.

Using native executors with Liquibase Pro can provide distinct advantages, such as the ability to process database client-specific settings and environment variables within the SQL script.

Note: Liquibase Pro always uses the JDBC driver for certain commands and administrative tasks.

Compatible Native Executors

Four native executors can be used with Liquibase Pro:

Database native executors are not shipped with Liquibase. Users need to install the compatible native executor specific to their database type.

Using Native Executors

Liquibase Pro extends the ability to deploy changesets using native database clients so during execution time, a native executor is invoked for changesets that request it to deploy a payload to a target database.

Flow chart of the Liquibase deployment process using a native executor.

Note: Liquibase can deploy a SQL payload using a JDBC driver or a native executor.

The runWith attribute

Liquibase decides whether to use the native executor based on the presence of the runWith attribute. You must apply this attribute to each changeset you want to deploy using a native executor:

  • In Formatted SQL changelogs, you can apply runWith to any changeset.
  • In XML, YAML, and JSON changelogs, you can only apply runWith to changesets using the sql and sqlFile Change Types.

runWith is applied during update and rollback operations. When runWith is not present, Liquibase uses the JDBC driver to deploy the changeset.

To learn more about using the runWith attribute with native executors, refer to the database-specific native executor page linked in Compatible Native Executors.

Related Links

For more information on the sql and sqlFile Change Type, visit the following documentation pages:

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