Operation Reports

You can use Liquibase Pro to generate reports of operations you perform on your database. These reports contain information about the status of your database and may help you resolve errors in your automation pipeline.

Different reports may include information about database drift, your database type and version, whether your database change occurred live or in a snapshot; object data about tables, views, functions, procedures, packages/package bodies, and triggers; and object relationships on constraints, indexes, and privileges.

Report types

Report type Report description Command Liquibase versions
Checks Run Report This checks run report provides data about the execution of Liquibase Quality Checks. checks run 4.26.0+
Drift Report The drift report shows the differences between two live databases or between a database and a snapshot from a previous point in time. diff 4.25.0+
diff-changelog 4.25.1+
Update Report The update report informs you of system, runtime, operation, and changeset information about your database deployments. 4.25.1+
Rollback Report The rollback report informs you of system, runtime, operation, and changeset information about your database rollbacks. 4.27.0+

Enable operation reports

To enable all operation reports, you must:

  1. Set the --license-key property using your Liquibase Pro license key.
  2. Choose how often to generate reports. You can either:
    • Always generate reports:
    • Selectively generate reports at runtime:
      • Command line: liquibase --reports-enabled=true <command>
      • JVM system property: JAVA_OPTS="-Dliquibase.reports.enabled=true" liquibase <command>

Note: To enable or disable only a specific kind of report, such as the drift report, you can set the liquibase.command.<cmdName>.reportEnabled argument. See the pages linked in the Report types section.

Global attributes

Use these arguments to control the behavior of all operation reports.

Note: Syntax for each parameter is specified in kebab-case (CLI and flow file), camelCase (properties file and JAVA_OPTS), and MACRO_CASE (environment variable).

Syntax (--cli, {flow-file}, propertiesFile, ENV_VAR) Type Description Requirement
globalArgs: {reports-enabled: "val"}
Boolean Enables or disables all reports at the global level. Overridden by --report-enabled at the command level. Default: false. Required (either this or --report-enabled)
globalArgs: {reports-name: "val"}
String Specifies the name of the report file at the global level. Overridden by --report-name at the command level. By default, Liquibase generates a new report file labeled with a timestamp (user's local time). If you set a custom name, Liquibase overwrites the existing file every time you generate a new report. Default: report-<DD-Mon-YYYY-HHmmss>.html. Optional
globalArgs: {reports-path: "val"}
String Specifies the file path to the report file at the global level. Overridden by --report-path at the command level. Default: ./. Optional

Command attributes

For information about arguments to modify the reports of specific commands, such as arguments for the drift report, see the individual report pages listed in the Report types section.

Related links