Liquibase Command List

This page lists all Liquibase commands. For more information, see Liquibase Commands.

Tip: For best results, specify all commands and parameters in the --kebab-case format in the CLI. If your preference is camelCase, it also works in the CLI.

Liquibase init commands

For more information, see Init Commands.

Command Description
init project

The project subcommand finds or creates your project folder with the changelog and Liquibase properties files and delivers an example H2 database to help you get started. Liquibase 4.7.0+.

init start-h2

The start-h2 subcommand starts the in-memory H2 database included in the Liquibase installation package to get started and test how Liquibase works. Liquibase 4.7.0+.

Liquibase flow commands

For more information, see flow.

Command Description

Run a series of commands contained in one or more stages, as configured in a Liquibase flow file.

flow validate 

Validate a series of commands contained in one or more stages, as configured in a Liquibase flow file.

Database update commands

For more information, see Update Commands.

Command Description
update Updates database to current version.
update-sql A helper command that allows you to inspect the SQL Liquibase will run while using the update command.
update-count Applies the next <value> changesets.
update-count-sql Writes SQL to apply the next <value> changesets to STDOUT.
update-one-changeset  Targets and deploys any single changeset.
update-one-changeset-sql  Writes SQL to target and deploy any single changeset.
update-testing-rollback Updates the database, then rolls back changes before updating again.
update-to-tag Applies sequential changes to your database from the newest changeset to the changeset with the tag you specified and applied earlier.
update-to-tag-sql A helper command that inspects the SQL Liquibase will run while using the update-to-tag command.

Database rollback commands

For more information, see Rollback Commands.

See also: Liquibase Rollback Workflow and Automatic and Custom Rollbacks.

Command Description
rollback Rolls back the database to the state it was in when the tag was applied.
rollback-sql A helper command that produces the raw SQL Liquibase would run when using the rollbackByTag command.
rollback-to-date Rolls back the database to the state it was in at the given date/time.
rollback-to-date-sql A helper command that allows you to inspect the SQL Liquibase will run while using the rollback-to-date command.
rollback-count Rolls back the last <value> changesets.
rollback-count-sql Writes SQL to roll back the last <value> changesets to STDOUT.
rollback-one-changeset  Rolls back a single changeset without needing to roll back other already applied changeset.
rollback-one-changeset-sql  Writes SQL to roll back a single changeset to STDOUT.
rollback-one-update  Rolls back all changesets related by a specific deploymentId that was made during a previous change to your database.
rollback-one-update-sql  A helper command that allows you to inspect the SQL Liquibase will run to revert all changeset associated with the deploymentID specified in the rollback-one-update command.
future-rollback-sql Writes SQL to roll back the database to the current state after the changes in the changelog have been applied.
future-rollback-count-sql Generates the SQL that Liquibase would use to sequentially revert the number of changes associated with undeployed changesets, which are added to a changelog file.
future-rollback-from-tag-sql Produces the raw SQL Liquibase would need to roll back all undeployed changes made up to the specified tag.

Database inspection commands

For more information, see Database Inspection Commands.

Command Description
diff Writes description of differences between two databases to standard out.
diff JSON Allows you to compare two databases of the same type, or different types, to one another and use the output in a JSON format.
diff-changelog Adds any differences between the databases specified to a changelog. Can append in any of the supported changelog formats.
generate-changelog Generate a changelog from a database when adding Liquibase to a new project. This is synonymous with snapshot with the exception of saving the output as XML in the changelog.
snapshot Gathers the current database schema and displays that information to STDOUT. With options, can save the schema in JSON format, and that JSON snapshot can serve as a comparison database.
snapshot-reference Captures the current state of the referenceURL database, which is the source database.

Change tracking commands

For more information, see Change Tracking Commands.

Command Description
connect  Lets you test access to the database without requiring the changelog. Liquibase 4.25.1+.
dbcl-history  Displays the DATABASECHANGELOGHISTORY table. Liquibase 4.27.0+.
history Lists all deployed changesets and their deploymentIds.
status Outputs the count (or list, if --verbose) of changesets that have not been deployed.
unexpected-changesets Produces a list of changesets that were run in the database but do not exist in the current changelog.

Utility commands

For more information, see Utility Commands.

Command Description
calculate-checksum Calculates and prints a checksum for the changeset with the specified id in the following format: filepath::id::author.
changelog-sync Marks all changes as executed in the database.
changelog-sync-sql Writes SQL to mark all changes as executed in the database to STDOUT.
changelog-sync-to-tag Marks all undeployed changesets from your changelog up to and including the specified tag as executed in your database.
changelog-sync-to-tag-sql Produces the raw SQL that Liquibase would run when using the changelog-sync-to-tag command to mark all undeployed changesets associated with the specified tag as executed in your database.
clear-checksums Removes current checksums from database. On next update changesets that have already been deployed will have their checksums recomputed, and changesets that have not been deployed will be deployed.
db-doc Generates Javadoc-like documentation based on current database and changelog.
drop-all Drops all database objects owned by the user.
execute-sql Executes a SQL string or file.
list-locks Lists who currently has locks on the database changelog.
mark-next-changeset-ran Mark the next change set as executed in the database.
mark-next-changeset-ran-sql Inspects the SQL Liquibase will run while using the mark-next-changeset-ran command.
set-contexts Sets or replaces contexts on your changesets using your command line. This is an alternative to setting contexts directly in your changelog. Liquibase 4.23.1+.
set-labels Sets or replaces labels on your changesets using your command line. This is an alternative to setting labels directly in your changelog. Liquibase 4.23.1+.
release-locks Releases all locks on the database changelog.
tag "Tags" the current database state for future rollback.
tag-exists Checks whether the given tag already exists.
validate Checks the changelog for errors.

Policy Checks commands

The following commands are subcommands of the checks command. For more information, see Policy Checks Commands. Policy Checks are only available with Liquibase Pro.

Tip: If you use Maven, see Maven and Maven

Command Description

Sets all qualifying policy checks to the same value.


Copies a customizable check so that you can run the same check multiple times with different parameters. Requires the --check-name attribute.


Creates a new YAML checks package file. Liquibase 4.25.0+.


Allows you to customize checks specified in your check configurations. Requires the --check-name attribute.


Allows you to delete a copy of a check from your checks settings. You cannot delete static checks and parent dynamic checks used to create copies of checks.


Disables a specific check provided in the --check-name attribute. The run command does not evaluate disabled checks when executed.


Enables a specific check provided in the --check-name attribute. The run command evaluates enabled checks when executed.


Reverts customizations made to the check indicated in the --check-name attributeto default settings. Does not affect static checks and uncustomized dynamic checks.

Note: When you reset a dynamic check that has been customized multiple times, the check reverts to its default settings, not to the previous customized settings.


Executes checks using the checks settings file and the changelog file you specify. Requires the --changelog-file attribute.


Prints the available checks and their configurations—as indicated in the checks settings file—to STDOUT.